Biofine Clear A3 x 17kg

Biofine Clear A3 x 17kg

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In Stock in Melbourne

Product Code: ABIFC17

Origin: Kerry Asia Pacific


Rapid sedimentation of yeast and other haze forming particles in beer. The recommended dose rate is usually in the range of 200 - 2,000 ppm. It is advisable to perform a fining trial to determine optimum dose rate. Biofine Clear A3 can be dosed to the beer without pre-diluting direct from the delivery vessel. However, if an existing dosing system is in place for Isinglass finings, Biofine Clear A3 can be diluted 1 in 5 or 1 in 10 and dosed as a dilute solution using the same equipment. Cold brewery water (5 -10°C) should be used when preparing the dilute solution. Sufficient solution is made up for 24 hours production requirements. It is advised to use pre-diluted material rapidly to avoid the risk of bacterial contamination, particularly in warm climates. In large breweries, especially those where beer transfers are occurring on a 24 hour basis, more than one dosing tank may be needed. When deciding on pumps etc for dosing, it should be noted that the viscosity Biofine Clear A 3 concentrate is in the region of 5 cps and dilute solution viscosities are similar to water. The method used for dosing is critical. In order to achieve maximum efficiency the solution Biofine Clear A 3 should be dosed into the beer stream during transfer from the Fermentation Tank to the Storage after chiller . The solution should be dosed over the entire run. A variable speed, positive displacement pump should be used. This will cater for different dosing requirements. The actual dosage rate should be determined in the laboratory as per the Biofine Clear A3 Optimisation Method. This rate should be determined for each type of beer and when a significant change is made to the process such as changes in yeast strain and new malt crops.