Bintani |
GREAT BASE MADE FROM HIGH QUALITY 2-ROW A great base malt for all beer styles. It is produced exclusively from high-quality 2-Row North American malting barley grown in premium U.S. barley growing regions. Contributes light straw colour. Profile: Clean, sweet, mild malty SPECIFICATIONS *Colour (EBC): 3.3 *Extract (%FGDB): >80.5 *Raw Material: Barley... Read More
INNOVATIVE HYBRID - WILD BARLEY MEETS DURUM WHEAT Tritordeum is a novel natural cross between durum wheat (Triticum durum) and a wild barley (Hordeum chilense) originated from Latin America. It has been farmed in Australia since 2016, has positive sustainability attributes (drought and diseases resistance) and excellent malting specifications. ... Read More
ROBUST, MALTY FLAVOUR & RICH GOLDEN COLOUR, ADDS DEPTH. 15-20 EBC Munich provides a more robust, malty flavour and rich golden colour than Vienna, adding depth and body without excessive sweetness. SPECIFICATIONS *Colour (EBC): 15.0 - 20.0 *Extract (% FGDB): >78 *Raw Material: Barley *Malted: Yes Read More
DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR DISTILLERS, INCREASED PREDICTED SPIRIT YIELD, NON-GN, & SINGLE ORIGIN Joe White Devils Pale Distillers Malt is specifically designed to provide the distiller of whiskies or spirits requiring a majority of raw grains with enough enzymes to convert the large amount of starch in those grain bills. Australia's first Non-GN distilling malt... Read More
DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR DISTILLERS, SMOKY, SLIGHTLY SWEET & SMOOTH Joe White Distillers Malt is specifically designed to provide the distiller of whiskies or spirits requiring a majority of raw grains with enough enzymes to convert the large amount of starch in those grain bills. Profile: Pronounced smoke, upfront smoky mesquite, slightly sweet, smooth... Read More
ROBUST, MALTY FLAVOUR & RICH GOLDEN COLOUR, ADDS DEPTH. 10-15 EBC Munich provides a more robust, malty flavour and rich golden colour than Vienna, adding depth and body without excessive sweetness. SPECIFICATIONS *Colour (EBC): 10.0 - 15.0 *Extract (% FGDB): >78 *Raw Material: Barley *Malted: Yes Read More
THE PERFECT BASE. SMOOTH CLEAN FLAVOUR & A LIGHT GOLDEN COLOUR A light golden colour and smooth clean flavour makes this malt a perfect base for any brew, but particularly Pale Ales, Pilsners and IPA's. SPECIFICATIONS: * Colour (EBC): 3.0 - 4.0 * Extract (% FGDB): > 80 * Raw Material: Barley * Malted: Yes Read More
TRACEABLE, CONSISTENT, HIGH PERFORMING AND CERTIFIED SUSTAINABLE. THE BEST BARLEY IN THE COUNTRY FROM THE BEST PERFORMING REGION Signature Malt is a no-compromise malt designed from start to finish specifically for Australian craft breweries. It starts by selecting the best barley in the country from the best performing region. BAUDIN BARLEY FROM UNGARIE, NSW IS... Read More
SLIGHTLY DARKER COLOUR & FULLER FLAVOUR THAN PILSNER MALT - MAKES A GREAT BASE MALT Kilning at a slightly higher temperature than Pale Malt results in a slightly darker colour and fuller flavoured base malt, typically found in traditional English Ales. SPECIFICATIONS: * Colour (EBC): 5.0 - 7.0 * Extract (% FGDB): > 80 * Raw Material: Barley * Malted: Yes Read More
IMPARTS A LIGHT GOLDEN-ORANGE COLOUR WITH DISTINCTIVE NUTTY AROMA Kilned at a higher temperature than Pale and Ale malts, but still retaining sufficient enzyme activity to be used as a base malt, Vienna imparts a light golden to orange colour and a distinctive nutty aroma. SPECIFICATIONS *Colour (EBC): 5.0 - 10.0 *Extract (% FGDB): >78 *Raw Material:... Read More
A GREAT BASE MALT FOR CLASSIC WHEAT BEERS Premium White Wheat is malted in the same way as barley and is used as a base malt in the production of classic wheat beers. At lower percentages of the grist, wheat malt can also be added to any number of beer styles to enhance foam stability and mouthfeel. SPECIFICATIONS *Colour (EBC): 3.5 - 5.0 *Extract (% FGDB):... Read More
ALE-STYLE BASE MALT MADE FROM A BLEND OF NORTH AMERICAN 2-ROW BARLEYS Rahr Pale Ale is an ale-style base malt made from a blend of North American 2-row barleys. It has an excellent color, slightly darker than Rahr Standard or Pilsner malts, good malt flavor, and high extract yield. Well suited to American, English or continental ales, Rahr Pale Ale has become a... Read More
LAGER-STYLE BASE MALT MADE FROM PREMIUM NORTH AMERICAN 2-ROW BARLEY Rahr Premium Pilsner is a lager-style base malt made from premium North American 2-row barley. Its light color, neutral flavour, and low protein content make Premium Pilsner an excellent choice for brewing clear, clean-tasting lagers. SPECIFICATIONS *Colour (EBC): 3.1 - 4.1 *Extract (%FGDB):... Read More
RICH MALTY PALE ALE MALT. PALE GOLDEN COLOUR. CEREAL AROMA Extra Pale Ale Malt is an excellent base malt for Brewers who require a low colour, well modified malt. The plump grains of UK two-row barley ensure uniformity and consistency, as well as good extract and enzymic activity. If you're limited on base malt storage, Extra Pale Ale Malt doubles as a great... Read More
LIGHT MALTY FRESH MALT. PALE IN COLOUR. CLEAN MALTED AROMA. Finest Lager Malt is a superb low colour lager malt. Well modified, high extract UK spring two row barley give high enzymic activity, low colour, low nitrogen, and exceptional Brewhouse performance. It can be used to make any style of lager with its clean, light malty taste. SPECIFICATIONS *Colour... Read More
RICH MALTY PALE ALE MALT. PALE GOLDEN COLOUR. CEREAL AROMA When you need a high performing well balanced malt to complement your big hops, look no further than Golden Promise. It gives beautiful mouthfeel to bring balance to beers with even the gutsiest hops. And when you drop the gravity for a session beer, you won't lose out on body. This gives the biggest base... Read More
RICH MALTY PALE ALE MALT. PALE GOLDEN COLOUR. CEREAL AROMA Maris Otter's superior Brewhouse Performance is fantastic. The 'Rolls Royce' of malts for the traditional brewer, this legendary heritage barley variety is the base malt for traditional English Bitter beers. Maris Otter has a low nitrogen content and high extract, producing a rich malty flavour with... Read More
BISCUIT DRY SWEETNESS (HONEY/PLUMS), BREAD CRUST FLAVOURS Our Imperial Malt imparts a full-bodied flavour and biscuit aroma. The warm brown notes it adds to the wort intensify the depth of colour, without compromising enzymic activity. SPECIFICATIONS *Colour (EBC): 40 - 50 *Extract (%FGDB): >75 *Raw Material: Barley *Malted: Yes Read More
COLOGNE TYPE LAGER-STYLE TWO-ROW BARLEY Weyermann® Brewing Malt (Type Cologne) is a kilned lager-style malt made from quality, two-row, Bohemian spring barley. It creates medium-full bodied, golden coloured, smooth clean tasting beers. The Weyermann® Brewing Malt (Type Cologne) shows excellent characteristics for ales, lagers, and German-style ales... Read More
GERMAN - AROMATIC AND MILD DARK WHEAT MALT Weyermann® Dark Wheat is a gently kilned malt made from high-quality German wheat. It contributes a mild golden colour to wort and a robust malty-sweet flavour with notes of bread, biscuit, toffee, and caramel. Wheat malts are high in protein, which helps produce fuller-bodied beers. Wheat malt can also improve head... Read More
MADE FROM OLDEST GERMAN MALTING BARLEY - ISARIA 1924® Made from the oldest German malting barley variety Isaria, which was officially approved from the beer production in 1924. Brewers used Isaria 1924® to brew tradition, unfiltered and flavourful traditional German Lagers. Malty-sweet taste and soft biscuit like aroma, soft mouthfeel. Heirloom malt for... Read More
ORGANIC - IDEAL FOUNDATION GRAIN FOR CONTINENTAL WHEAT STYLE BEERS Weyermann® Organic Pale Wheat malt is produced from malting quality wheat from certified cultivation. An ideal foundation grain for continental wheat beer styles like Hefeweizen and Kristallweizen, and an essential ingredient in North American wheat ales. It adds very little colour to wort but... Read More
GOLDEN COLOUR & STRONG MOUTHFEEL Weyermann® Vienna malt is a lightly kilned lager-style malt made from quality, two-row, German spring barley. It produces full-bodied beers with golden colour and smooth mouthfeel. The flavour is malty-sweet with gentle notes of honey, almond, and hazelnut. Equally suited to both ales and lagers, Weyermann® Vienna malt... Read More
BARKE® PILSNER KNOWN FOR EXCELLENT PROCESS CHARACTERISTICS Weyermann® Barke® Pilsner malt is perfect for creating authentic lager style beers. It enhances body and mouthfeel substantially in the finished beer, while imparting intense malt aromas. What also sets Barke® Pilsner malt apart is it’s excellent process characteristics in the... Read More